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“Conversion from string “N” to type ‘Date’ is not valid” importing running import into pending tables

The csv file contains relid, relkey and relnmy1 fields mapped to the Relation table

The identifier settings are as follows

The mapping is created for the two fields to the Relation table

After saving the mapping and we click File>Run import to pending tables, the error occurs.
“Conversion from string “N” to type ‘Date’ is not valid” 
Fixed in version 2017.1.1

Earlier versions please contact product support to obtain a zip file that contains a new Advanced Data Examiner Import executable dated 12_15_2017.

Ensure that you have the ​latest import tool locally  or on the computer where you are running the ADE tool.
This will update the version in the GAC (global assembly cache)
If you receive an error as below, it means the latest version is not installed.

You can install the latest ADE on your computer by going to IIS \inetpub\wwwroot\mill\tools\ADE install Files and grab the MillenniumADEInstall file and copy to a share you can access on your computer.
Then on your computer go to that share and copy the MillenniumADEInstall application to your desktop.
Then right click on the MillenniumADEInstall and run as administrator to install the latest.
Then in C:\Millennium\Import Tools\Data Examiner Import Tool folder take a copy of the Data Examiner Import.exe and then copy in the Data Examiner import exe and pdb files obtained from customer support.

Article Type
Product Defect
Product Line
Product Module/Feature
Advanced Data Examinator
Product Version
Database Engine
SQL Server 2012
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