DF-M22212-Date and timestamp added to unc path when the path includes .com if the user omits the extension of the filename

Submitted by 334 on

The date and timestamp is added to the unc path when the pathname includes .com and if the user omits the extension of the filename

If the user provides the file type extension, a typical path could look like
If the user forgets the file type extension (.xls), Millennium will try to save the file to this path
Product Line

DF-M22102-Wealth Engine total years giving calculation returns 0 value

Submitted by 334 on
The Wealth Engine total years giving calculation returns a 0 value.


Millennium does pass what I would think is total years giving, always passed as 0.  We do not calculate it.
       WealthEngineInfo.totalNumberGiving = 0;
       WealthEngineInfo.totalNumberGivingSpecified = false;
The WealthEngineInfo.totalYearsGiving comes from this select and additional logic, works like consecutive year in totals utility.
                                SELECT gifteffdat
                                                FROM (
                                                                SELECT gifteffdat
                                                                                FROM gifts
                                                                                WHERE giftid = 'xxxxxxxxxx' and (gifttype = 'p' or gifttype = 'e' or gifttype = 'sp')
                                                                SELECT gifteffdat
                                                                                FROM gifts
                                                                                WHERE giftid = 'xxxxxxxxxx' and gifttype = 'g')
                                                AS temp
                                                ORDER BY gifteffdat ASC
**If the current year is greater than or equal to year from the select above then current year – year retrieved otherwise set to 0.
2011-12-20 00:00:00.000
2014-03-10 00:00:00.000
2014-10-30 00:00:00.000
2014-12-02 00:00:00.000
2014-12-11 00:00:00.000
2016-02-02 00:00:00.000
2016-02-26 00:00:00.000
2017-01-27 00:00:00.000
Product Line

DF-M22097-Most recent gift date for the largest gift should be returned by Wealth Engine select when multiple gifts with the same amount exist

Submitted by 334 on
Wealth Engine largest gift is randomly selecting the largest amount in the case where there are two gifts of the same amount.  The date is converting to character and not sorting as a date field, therefore not returning the most recent largest gift.

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