DF-M22348-Assignment where Apply Notification to is set to My Prospects creates advisories for other PM Relationship

Submitted by 181 on
Assignment where "Apply Notification to:" is set to "My Prospects" appear to inadvertently catch the "Special Relationship Type" relationships for a Prospect Manager (pm) such as the Prospect Researcher and Director.
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DF-M22244-Field lengths in ecommerce_pending tables don’t match the size of field lengths in their targeted tables

Submitted by 334 on
The field lengths in ecommerce_pending table are smaller than the field length in their respective destination fields.
Addrphone: char(30) -  ecomhphone: char(15)
Phnumber: char (70) – ecomhphone: char(15)
Phnumber: char(70) – ecomhphone: char(15)
Giftacctnm: char(80) – ecomacctnm: char(80?)

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