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 The “change to a constituent” checkbox is missing in non-constituent relationship screen.

Status:  Please refer to KB article:  136906-Scheduled fixes  to see if this is scheduled for a fix
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Non-Constituent Relationship to a Constituent Relationship Conversion
If, after a non-constituent relationship has been created, the non-constituent becomes a constituent in Sage Millennium, that non-constituent relationship can be converted to a constituent relationship. This can be done as an update to the non-constituent relationship row.
  1. Access the relationship row for the constituent.
  2. Select the Update item from the row's Edit button context menu.
  3. Check the Change to a Constituent check box.
  4. Enter the newly created constituent's Id number or name (formatted Last Name/First Name (space) Middle Name;Suffix) in the Is Id text box.
  5. Update the Begin, End, Source and Comment fields as desired.
  6. Click Update.
This relationship is now a constituent relationship, with a hyperlink to the reverse relationship between the new constituent and this constituent. And if this relationship was linked to another constituent relationship, that other relationship will be updated to a constituent relationship as well.

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