Submitted by 233673 on
The NetForum Pro team will be refreshing the data in the UAT environment starting on Thursday, April 29, 2021. Please be aware that the UAT environment will have sporadic availability during the refresh period.

What is the UAT environment?

The UAT environment is our User Acceptance Testing environment. It is a separate instance of netFORUM Pro from your live, production environment. The NetForum Pro R&D team does product deployments to UAT before we deploy to your live environment to give you an opportunity to play around with new features and give us feedback.

What does refreshing the UAT data mean?

When we refresh the data in the UAT environment it means that we copy the data that is currently in your live environment and overwrite the data that is currently in UAT with that freshly copied data. It is important that we do this periodically to keep the two environments close to in sync.

How long will this take?

The full UAT data refresh takes about 2 days. You should expect intermittent availability of the UAT environment from Thursday, April 29th  through Friday, April 30th.

What does this mean for you?

If you are not using your UAT environment then this will have no impact to you, and since UAT is not visible to your members it will not impact them either. If you are using UAT for testing you may need to reconfigure your UAT environment after the refresh as it may be overwritten.
Article Type
Product Info
Product Line
netFORUM Pro
Product Module/Feature
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