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Below are all resolved issues in version 2013.2.2

Go to Hotfix: Hotfix 1   Hotfix 2   Hotfix 3   Hotfix 4   Hotfix 5   Hotfix 6   Hotfix 7   Hotfix 8   Hotfix 9   Hotfix 10   
Issue Number Description
18043 The Aging report only counts 1 discount, so if a product has multiple discounts the remaining discounts will show up as a remaining balance.
19466 Unable to send customer correspondence
18583 Audience query bringing back error when query columns don't match the default list columns that will appear in list results
19408 New Registration on eWeb - Stuck in change my password loop
18893 Paid by Field using name from last invoice and still does when removed
19318 When you purchase 1 of a product with a qty available of 2 and then purchase another 1 of that same product on the same transaction it throws an error when saving.
19392 When applying an existing credit to an existing invoice that has shipping on the line item, the system won't apply to the shipping and will leave the shipping as an open balance.
19023 Add Note- Org Constituent- Sort Name Does Not Populate - 2013.2
19059 Both the WEBEmailInsert and WEBEmailUpdate do not trigger e-mail validation rules in 2013 if the address is not marked as primary, and does not trigger rules in 2014 regardless of whether the e-mail is marked as primary or not.
15958 WEBCentralizedShoppingCartStoreForeWeb does not save “oex_cst_key” even when the shopping cart being saved has a “cst_key” set, thereby causing the shopper to not have their saved cart loaded when they log in to eWeb.
19128 In SSO environment, once users logout eWeb should invalidate the SSO token
19062 When multi-currency is set the system is always using the system option default currency and is not converting based on the product’s and the user’s currency
19373 If you create a multi-company account record between two BUs for an inter-company transfer and then hide/disable the record, it will still be used when the batch containing such transactions is pre-processed and the transfer will still go through.
18359 AR Aging Report foreign currency
14550 Multi Currency Feature does not set default currency in COE

Hotfix 1

Issue Number Description
19682 We can not add more than one booth with quantity 1 on Add Exhibitor Booth New form.
19786   EnableWEBSavedShoppingCart causes eWEB to NOT function
19343 Historical data needs to be removed from revenue recognition report and revenue available for recognition report

Hotfix 2

Issue Number Description
19855 Call to Action is adding extra URL info before all links in templates

Hotfix 3

Issue Number Description
18092 CRM Committee Quick Report Error

Hotfix 4

Issue Number Description
19281 Bug in ChangeCustomerKeys can cause entire site to lockup if merge process is run
19900 Cannot Apply Discounts on eWeb when discount is set to be applied to multiple products/prices
19623 Transfer membership with deferral has the wrong credit amount

Hotfix 5

Issue Number Description
19949 Previous Customer Key Retained when Adding Ind to Ind Relationship on Fundraising Profile

Hotfix 6

Issue Number Description
15530 Customer Address: No new address is being created for individual from payment on eweb

Hotfix 7

Issue Number Description
20406 For fundraising clients that are merging customer records that also have a constituent record, we have found that netFORUM runs into deadlock/ timeout errors if the merge process is running while other regular activities are taking place

Hotfix 8

Issue Number Description
19826 When adding a cancellation fee that is a percentage of the event fee and a discount is applied to the event the system does not calculate the correct credit amount
19104 Pledge Installment Gift Date Should Not Default to System Date
20280 Vantiv Automatic Account Updater AAU failure - Length cannot be less than zero for Substring
19105 Recurring Gift and Pledge Installments- Source Code

Hotfix 9

Issue Number Description
19674 When the recurring gift scheduled task runs, all invoices for the generated installments are placed in a single batch for the default Business Unit
20227 Baseline Ccode is breaking non-iWeb/eWeb/xWeb environments where COE is used. The issue is related when the call is coming from a place different than xweb but it is not iweb or eweb.
2966 Can Save Miscellaneous Payment Transaction without GL Account Details
20365 GetChangedOrganizationKeys unexpectedly changed schema, causing MF org sync to fail - 2013
20717 Merge record freezes system if customer has a constituent record

Hotfix 10

Issue Number Description
19371 Issue with Shipping not displaying on eWeb if more than one BU
20296 eweb merchandise pagination does not work correctly when additional filters are applied. When you search for a product in the search box click pg 2 and then search for another product and click pg 2 it showing page 2 of the products
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Article Type
Product Defect
Product Line
netFORUM Enterprise
Product Module/Feature
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