DF-M17090-Actions Inserted via Millennium Mobile Interface Creates Attachment to Random Basic Data Records

Submitted by 334 on
User inserts an action for a constituent via the Millennium Mobile Interface.  Action is created, yet there is also a link\attachment created to a completely unrelated Basic Data (corebio) record.

Take note of the result when the link to Basic Data is clicked:

The basic data record above has absolutely *nothing* to do\in common with the initial constituent record (first graphic).Now repeat the sequence using the Millennium Web Interface:

A second action is properly created, this time *without* a link to Basic Data.

There appear to be two (2) primary defects present:

1. Link to Basic Data created when Actions are inserted via Millennium Mobile Interface
Link to Basic Data created does not match\reconcile with original constituent the Action was created for.

Expected behavior: Actions inserted to constituent records would be consistent regardless of Millennium interface used.
Product Line

DF-SS21301-Linked records display in one screen mode without full context menu

Submitted by 181 on

When you click on a linked record from one screen display, the linked record displays alone on the page in one screen display mode. The one screen context menu also displays so the display type cannot be changed. This is happening wherever you can click on a linked record belonging to the same constituent.

Product Line