DF-M25001-Searching with wildcards and 40 value string in chart of accounts- account name field translates incorrectly to the IIS

Submitted by 334 on
No results are returned when searching for %40716% in the Chart of Accounts-Account Number field when an exact match exists in the data.  In a SQL trace there is a difference in the select statement when searching for %40.

SELECT * FROM chart_of_accounts WHERE UPPER(chart_acct) like UPPER('%8%%') ORDER BY UPPER(chart_acct)
SELECT * FROM chart_of_accounts WHERE UPPER(chart_acct) like UPPER('@716%%') ORDER BY UPPER(chart_code)

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Deleting user who owns objects in SQL

Submitted by 334 on
When you delete a user in Millennium, if that user owns objects in SQL, the objects must be transferred to another user.  When you delete the user in Tools>System Upkeep>User Security>User Maintenance, if the user owns objects in SQL there will be a message that the owned objects must be transferred to another user.  There is a dropdown of users presented once Delete is clicked but not all of the users are listed in the dropdown.
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"Utility Error" running Years utility

Submitted by 334 on
The years utility is being run by the 'sa' account. The utility runs for a few minutes and then the queue displays "Utility error".
The error in createyearsout.log file in the queue folder displays the following error:

"Error Encountered when dropping temporary table.  Above error message MAY contain further ODBC and/or other error details."
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