DF-FR-22799-Duplicated Gifts Created During AFO>FR50 Import

Submitted by 179 on

When importing a multi-registration form into Fundraising 50, multiple Gift cards are created.  If the Import is setup so that Credit Card Name and Credit Card Address are mapped to Basic then one single constituent record is imported but there are multiple Gift cards created.  If the Form First Name, Form Last Name, Form Address fields are mapped to Basic, each registrant is imported with their own constituent record and a Gift is imported to each constituent.

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ENHANCEMENT-FR-Editable Layout on Donor Statement

Submitted by 137 on

Question:  I would like to edit the Layout of the Donor Statements report.  I don’t see any options to remove the bottom section, or not display certain columns such as Campaign/Solicitation or Purpose/Fund.  Is this possible?
Business Reason:  An organization’s board of directors found that the solicitation information and outstanding balance gives too much information to the donors, clutters the statement making it present more like an invoice than a statement of giving for tax purposes.
Would like option to print a simpler Donor Statement. Donor’s Information, Gift Dates, Gift Amounts, Number of transactions, and Total Deductible Amount

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